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Community Projects

We are very fortunate to have an amazing, supportive community.

Charity Support

We regularly support the work of local charities!

We have recently supported the Wessex Rotary Shoe Box Scheme where the children managed to fill 31 boxes. These were sent to disadvantaged & displaced children in Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania and Ukraine.

We have also supported the work of Naomi House!

Junior Road Safety Officers

Our Junior Road Safety Officers launched a campaign to help slow down the drivers of Itchen Abbas this year! The posters have been put up around the local area!

CAMEO Christmas Lunch

In December, children from Itchen Abbas go down to St John's Church to sing with the elderly from our local area at their annual CAMEO (came and meet each other) Christmas lunch.


"Come and meet each other" is an event held at our local church, St. Johns. On the 3rd Tuesday of each month, the church hold a short lunch time service followed by a light two-course lunch. CAMEO's aim is to reach out and offer senior citizens of the Parish this social and spiritual occasion. It is free and open to anyone over 65. Please tell your friends and invite them to go along!

Rev. Peter visits our school regularly too!