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PTA - The "Itchen Abbas Parents"


Who are we?

We are an enthusiastic parents’ association that organises events and social activities for the whole school community.

Our fundraising activities have enhanced and improved the facilities of the school for the children's education and enjoyment and will continue to do so with your support.

Over the past year we have been able to fund an outdoor classroom and stage and help to set up a new library with many new books.  We are also planning to provide new cooking facilities for the children as well as vital new Computing equipment. Currently, we are fundraising for a new climbing frame for the children!

All parents are automatically members of the Parents’ association and all meetings are open to all parents.  It’s a chance to get together to share fundraising ideas and to discuss and organise planned events over a coffee.

Visit our website for more information:

How can I get involved?

  • Come along to the meetings.  We would love to see you and discuss ideas.  Our meetings are informal and everyone is welcome.
  • Help out at an event.  You can help to set up, run a stall, tidy up or help with publicity etc.
  • Bake cakes for the Cake Sale when it’s your class’s turn
  • Do a sponsored event.
  • Attend events and bring all your family and friends!
  • Share your ideas.

The Committee members for school year 2023-2024:

Jake Ridley

Vice Chairs
George Blaney & Jo Milner

Alexis Erskine

Jonathan Chapman

Georgie Davey


2023-24 year group class representatives:


Year R
Alexis Erskine


Year 1 and 2
Lucy Kemp


Year 3
Lucy Kemp

Year 4
Georgie Davey


Year 5
Sophie Rogers

Year 6
Jo Chalker / Sophie Rogers / Sarah Kurton