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Year 6 SATS Support

Below you will find a selection of resources which you can access by yourselves, or with someone to help.

Please, please, please, don't do loads at a time. Make sure you dip in and out. Rest and play in-between and if you get stuck or are unsure, then ask for help! Parents (and I) are here to help all of you, and together, we will succeed.


Below you will find revision packs with a text and questions to have a go at. I will add more in the coming weeks. You will answers on the last page.

Fiction Revision Pack
Non-Fiction Revision Pack
Poetry Revision Pack


Below you will find revision mats for Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation. There are 3 levels of challenge, from 1 star to 3 star (hardest level). There are answers on the last few pages to check your responses.

SPAG Mat 1
SPAG Mat 2
SPAG Mat 3
SPAG Mat 4
SPAG Mat 5
SPAG Mat 6


There are 6 different spelling challenges below to have a go at.

Spelling Quiz 1
Spelling Quiz 2
Spelling Quiz 3
Spelling Quiz 4
Spelling Quiz 5
Parents Guide


In writing, you need to achieve the following standards by the end of Year 6. If you do any writing at home, you can use these to see how well you are doing and what you need to work on.

Writing "can do" statements


Below you will find a SATS Revision Guide for parents alongside 5 Reasoning Maths Quizzes. Have a go at each and identify what areas you need to continue to work on. There are answers at the end of each quiz for you to check.

Maths SATS Reasoning Guidance for Parents
Maths Quiz 1
Maths Quiz 2
Maths Quiz 3
Maths Quiz 4
Maths Quiz 5

Arithmetic Activities

Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5

Websites that might help:

BBC Bitesize - Spelling and Grammar
BBC Bitesize - Maths
Grammar Revision Guide