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Safeguarding determines the actions that we take to keep children safe and protect them from harm in all aspects of their school life. As a school we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of our pupils.

The actions that we take to prevent harm; to promote wellbeing; to create safe environments; to educate on rights, respect and responsibilities; to respond to specific issues and vulnerabilities all form part of the safeguarding responsibilities of the school. As such, this overarching policy will link to other policies which will provide more information and greater detail.

Designated Safeguarding Lead

  • Mr. Rob Bogan

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

  • Mr. Albie Barraclough
  • Miss. Melissa Jones


Who is in School to help?

Sometimes we have worries, concerns or things that are said and done that make us feel unhappy or unsafe. Every adult in school is always here to listen. You may also rather speak to a trusted adult outside of school. Whoever, you talk to we will listen and do what is right to keep you safe.

We also have key members of staff who can pass information on to other people that are trained and qualified to help. The staff in school who may need to do this are called our DSLs or Designated Safeguarding Leads. They are Mr Bogan, Mr Barraclough and Miss Jones.

Because we care so much about your welfare and safety we talk regularly and confidentially about the things we can do in school to help you feel safe.

Staff & Supply Teachers

Our team of staff undergo annual and regular Safeguarding training and as a school we are always reviewing our practice to provide the most robust and supportive approach to Safeguarding. Please visit our policies page to understand more around the depth of knowledge our team require to effectively safeguard the children and the whole school community.

Supply & Organisations covering classes or groups

All supply, agency or external organisations have to follow and provide evidence of training in line with 'Keeping Children Safe in Education'. Alongside this, the school checks and ensures that all appropriate vetting procedures have taken place.

To support our external staff who periodically or regularly come to our school, the following information is provided.

Our Current External Providers

As a school we always seek to find the best possible temporary solution to staffing shortages. We also actively review and evaluate the providers we have in school that support the children's learning. The links below are external organisations that the school currently work with:

This is not an exhaustive list and we will always aim to keep it up-to-date within an academic year.

What are your responsibilities?

All staff including teaching and non teaching staff, temporary and supply staff, clerical, catering and cleaning staff, volunteers and staff working on site employed by other services and agencies and those working with children and families in the community have a statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

Copies of our Child Protection Policy, Safeguarding Policy, Behaviour Policy and Low-Level concern policy and DfE Guidance documents are all located in the school office or the policy section of our website. All supply staff are expected to adhere to the DfE and school’s procedures and guidance at all times and in accepting work at Itchen Abbas Primary School you are agreeing to this.

What should you do if you are worried about a child?

You may become aware whilst working with a child that there are problems at home, school or elsewhere that give you cause for concern. Even in the short period of time for which a supply teacher is in school, children can show a change in their behaviour and demeanour. You may notice unexplained marks or bruising, or sometimes a child can display aggressive behaviour, become withdrawn, uncommunicative or unable to concentrate.

If you are worried about the safety of any young person in this school, you must report this to a Designated (or Deputy) Safeguarding Lead in the school. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is: Mr Bogan and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mr Barraclough and Miss Jones. If you need support locating them please ask the school office.

What should you do if a child makes a disclosure or you have a concern?

  • Listen to the child without displaying shock, disbelief or making judgements.
  • Take what the child tells you seriously, as children rarely lie about such matters.
  • Reassure the child, but only so far as is honest and reliable.
  • Don’t interrogate the child, ask leading questions, or criticise the alleged perpetrator.
  • Never guarantee confidentiality - explain that you must pass the information on to a Designated Safeguarding Lead.
  • Make some notes immediately, e.g. record the date, time, place, facts, your observations and the child's verbatim speech.
  • Do not interpret what is seen or heard; simply record the facts. Write these up on a raising concern sheet before the end of the school day and ensure this is passed to the DSL/DDSL.
  • Follow the school’s Child Protection Policy and procedures. Report your concerns and give any written copies to the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

REMEMBER: Complete confidentiality is essential. Share your knowledge only with appropriate professional colleagues. Ask for some support for yourself if you need it.

What should you do if the alleged is a member of the school staff?

Follow the school’s Whistleblowing Policy and report such allegations to the Headteacher. If the allegation is about the Headteacher contact the Chair of Governors. The contact for the Chair of Governors can be obtained from the school office.

How do you ensure that your behaviour is always appropriate and professional?

  • Adhere to the DfE and school’s procedures and guidance at all times.
  • Read the DfE Guidance for Safer Working Practice for Adults working with Children and Young People in Education settings located in the staffroom.
  • Avoid physical contact and over familiarity with children, as this can be misinterpreted by others.
  • Avoid being alone with a child in confined and secluded areas.
  • Always ensure that doors are left open or that you can be visible to others.
  • Never make arrangements to meet a child on their own outside school hours.
  • Do not photograph pupils, exchange e-mails or text messages.

What if a temporary, supply, agency or sub-contracted individual has an allegation made against them?

In the event of an allegation being made against a member of staff who is not directly employed by Itchen Abbas Primary School, depending on the nature and circumstances surrounding the allegation, we would firstly coordinate with the contractor. A course of action would be agreed and if appropriate a designated investigator would be allocated in school. The welfare and well-being of the individual would be managed by the contractor.

We take the responsibility and welfare of any individual working directly or indirectly for the school very seriously and any reasonable decisions and adjustments made are in the best interests of the school, its community and the individual involved.

Our school invests in external support for employees and this extends to those working temporarily in school. Please use the link if you wish to talk to someone - Health Assured

Support for Parents

The information provided is intended to support parents if you have a worry or concern about your own child. The resources and links are to help parents and carers in a growing world of technology and increased changes in society.

As a school we are always here to listen and if you have any concerns regarding another child, please speak to our Designated Safeguarding Leads. Alternatively you can get further advice and support from charities such as the NSPCC and Child Line.

If you are a visiting parent/carer and are coming into school as part of a planned curriculum visit or meeting with a member of staff, please ensure you know and understand the following:

  1. When signing in at the school office, please remember to read the information carefully. Once you have finished your time at school remember to return to the office to sign out. During larger events such as productions there will be a separate signing in process.
  2. Mobile phones and devices to take photographs or videos should only be used during agreed times set by the senior leadership team. These may include school productions or presentations. In the event of you being allowed to use a device please listen carefully to the instructions given by a member of staff.
  3. If a child speaks to you about a concern or worry, listen and explain that you will have to tell an adult that works in school. Immediately, go to the school office and ask to speak to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads.
  4. In the event of a fire or the fire alarm ringing, please exit at the nearest fire exit and go to the clearly signed assembly point.
  5. If you have any questions, worries or concerns please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff, we are all fully safeguard trained and will be able to talk and support you.

How can I help my child feel safe?

We are living in an ever-changing world and our children are faced with many life challenges that didn't even exist when we were children. Our school approach is 'our doors are always open'. If for any reason you are noticing changes in your child's behaviour and/or attitude, and you are concerned it could be something that is making your child feel unsafe, please come and speak to us.

You can also obtain lots of information from the internet, local community groups and other forms of media. To help you find the most relevant and suitable information, please see the links below.

If you do wish to speak with someone regarding your child's safeguarding and welfare an initial conversation with Mr Bogan may help.