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Pay & Conditions

Maintained schools are required to publish salary information on any employee earning over £100,000 per annum.

All staff employed directly by the school are paid in accordance with the School Teachers Pay & Conditions Document (STPD) or National Joint Council (NJC) Terms & Conditions (support staff).

All salary levels are determined and reviewed annually by the Resources Committee of the Board of Governors.

No employee earns over £100,000 per annum.

Trade Union Time

By law, trade union representatives are entitled to reasonable paid time off from their regular job to enable them to perform their union duties and to undertake relevant training. Trade union members, including representatives, may also ask for unpaid time off to undertake activities. Together, these arrangements constitute facility time.

Schools have to publish information on their website regarding the amount of facility time taken each year by staff who are union officials.

We are required to publish, for each relevant period, the answers to the following questions and requests for information, using the form indicated in Schedule 2 of the Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017.

The ‘relevant period’ refers to 1 April to 31 March in the previous year, which is the period for which data is collected and published.

What was the total number of your employees who were relevant union officials during the relevant period?

No employees of Itchen Abbas Primary School were relevant union officials between the period of 1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024.

How many of your employees who were relevant union officials employed during the relevant period spent a) 0%, b) 1%-50%, c) 51%-99% or d) 100% of their working hours on facility time?

No employees of Itchen Abbas Primary School spent any of their working hours on facility time between the period of 1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024.

Provide the figures for the total cost of facility time and the total pay bill, to determine the percentage of your total pay bill spent on paying employees who were relevant union officials for facility time during the relevant period.

No percentage of the school’s budget was spent on paying employees who were relevant union officials for facility time between the period of 1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024.

As a percentage of total paid facility time hours, how many hours were spent by employees who were relevant union officials during the relevant period on paid trade union activities?

No hours were spent by employees of Itchen Abbas Primary School between the period of 1st April 2023 and 31st March 2024 as union officials.