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School Data

Please follow this link for more information about our school performance data (external link, Department for Education). Our data is based on a small number of children (often between 10-15) so percentages and data often look very different each year (often 10% per child). Please discuss this with us if you have any questions.

2024 Results

EYFS (Early Years)


Phonics (Screening Test)


KS2 (Year 6 SATs)

Average Scaled Scores:

A scaled score of 100 or more means a child is working at the expected standard – termed 'AS', while a score below 100 indicates that a child hasn't reached the government expected standard – termed 'NS'. 

120 – This is the highest score available in the KS2 SATs.

101-119 – Any score above 100 (including 120) means that a child has exceeded the expected standard in the test.

100 – This is the expected standard for children (and essentially means they are working at an age-related expectation).

80-99 – Any child awarded a scaled score of 99 or below has not met the expected standard in their KS2 SATs. Often, schools refer to these children as ‘working towards the expected standard’.

At Itchen Abbas, our average Scaled Scores for 2024 are:

Reading: 110
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: 109
Maths: 107


KS2 (Year 6 SATs) - Higher Attaining Data:

There is no test for English writing. However, this year 30% of our cohort achieved the higher standard. An increase of 10% from 2023.