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Sports Premium

In 2013 the government announced that they would be spending £450 million over the next three academic years to help fund primary school sport, this is called the School Sport Premium. The PE and sport premium is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils. 

Schools have the freedom to spend the money however they choose, but this must be towards improving their provision of PE and Sport to give children the opportunity to develop a healthy lifestyle.

In the last few years we have improved our links with schools in our cluster to provide opportunities for competition in Netball, Football and Cricket. We hope to build on these relationships and increase our involvement in other competitions going forward.

We are very fortunate to have our very own sports coordinator, Mr Robbins, who teaches all classes across the week.

Stronger relationships with our local secondary school have enabled us to visit and make use of their purpose built Sports Hall and Gymnasium for specialised teaching sessions. We have plans to do this again in the future.